Sunday, August 26, 2007


we finally have some pictures to show!!!!! we took a bunch to give you a sense of what goa is like. we will continue to send more. when you get to the bottom of the page click "older post" to view the other pictures. we hope everyone is doing well. love abby and allan


Cassandra said...

Great pictures - thanks for sharing!

Jennifer Sorce said...

Abby, what is your email address? I deleted it by accident. I loved the pictures and the commentary. So interesting! What an amazing experience. I'll bet you are going to have a difficult time leaving those kids and vice versa. That must be very fulfilling for you. Thanks for sharing the pictures and your adventures!

Janet said...

Dear Abby and Allan, Thank you so much for doing this, sharing in this way. I went to bed last night and all the pictures and your story filled my mind, all so special to absorb. I admit I was stunned to see where, how, and what you two are up to! I'm checking in daily now:) LOVE TO YOU BOTH, Janet and Eric.